Mr. Robinson insisted on giving Benson a chance even though the volunteers did not advise that he be adopted by a family with children, so they did.
Benson wasn’t used to walking on a leash, so even the road to the car was challenging, but they eventually made it home.
Benson was first quite reclusive, timid, and wary. But with time, Benson was able to adjust and develop relationships with all of the family members, particularly Matias.

They brought the newborn home after Mrs. Robinson gave birth and introduced Benson to him. He gave the infant a whiff and delicately licked his face. The owners immediately realized Benson was a beautiful dog and that they would get along.

The Robinsons were startled out of sleep by Benson’s loud barking one night when the infant was only two months old. He kept barking and tried to get into the crib, but the safety bars kept him out. He began biting the crib in an attempt to get to the infant. The Robinsons were initially alarmed because they believed Benson was attempting to harm the infant, but as soon as they held the child in their arms, they realized the infant had stopped breathing.

He was transported to a local hospital, where he was revived by medical professionals. The infant would have perished if he had been in cardiorespiratory arrest for longer than 30 minutes, the doctor informed the parents.
Benson rose to fame and demonstrated that nothing happens by chance. Nobody gave Benson a chance before the Robinson family did, and Benson ended up saving their baby’s life.