There are so many sweet treats around us that it’s easy to eat them without thinking about how they might be bad for our health.
Some people naturally eat a small amount of sugar every day, but eating too much can cause a lot of health problems.
Keeping a balanced and healthy lifestyle means being aware of the danger signs your body may be sending. Here are some clear signs that you may be eating too much sugar and need to change what you’re eating.
Mood Swings:
If your energy levels go up and down a lot during the day, it could be because you ate too much sugar. When you eat too much sugar, your blood sugar levels can rise quickly and then drop quickly, making you tired and irritated.
Cravings and Dependency:
If you always want sweet foods, it could mean that you are dependent on sugar. A loop can start when you eat a lot of sugar and your body wants more to keep your blood sugar levels high.
Weight Gain:
Sugar, especially extra sugars and sugary drinks makes you gain weight. Too much sugar in the body is turned into fat, which can make you gain weight, especially around the stomach.
Skin issues:
Eating a lot of sugar may make skin issues like acne and ageing faster worse. Glycation is the process by which sugar molecules bond to collagen in the skin. This can make the skin less flexible and cause wrinkles to form.
Brain Fog and Trouble Focusing:
Research shows that a diet high in added carbs may hurt brain function and make problems like brain fog and trouble focusing worse.
Increased Thirst:
If you eat a lot of sugar, your body will try to flush out the extra sugar by making you pee more. This might make you thirsty all the time.
Poor Oral Health:
Too much sugar is the main cause of cavities. Mouth bacteria love sugar and make acids that wear away tooth enamel.
Joint Pain:
Some study shows a link between eating a lot of sugar and more inflammation, which may make joint pain worse, especially in people with conditions like arthritis.
Digestive Problems:
Some people get digestive problems like bloating, gas, and even diarrhoea when they eat too much sugar, especially fructose.
Concerns about heart health:
A diet high in sugar has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease. It can make inflammation, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure worse.
Being aware of these signs is the first thing that will help you make smart food choices. Eating sugar in moderation and in a healthy way can make a big difference in your health and well-being. Asking a doctor or expert for help if you think you might be eating too much sugar can give you personalised advice.