Spock, the cat who chose me

I was finishing a late night Target run when I came back to find a kitten sitting on top of my car. He was adorable, but I knew I wouldn’t be allowed to bring home a 3rd cat since I already had two.

After talking to him for awhile, I said „Cat, I’m sorry, but I have to go home now.” He looked at me, stretched luxuriously and flopped down.

So I said, „Okay, then I’m going to go get you some Meow Mix,” and headed back into the store. I honestly didn’t expect him to still be there and when I walked back to my car, I didn’t see him and my heart sank. I said, „Cat? Are you there?” and to my surprise I heard a tiny „Meow!” and looked down to see that he had been waiting for me in the bushes.

I fed him and he immediately started purring and rubbing against me. I didn’t want to leave him, but I couldn’t hang out in the parking lot all night so I begged my husband to let me bring the cat home. He reluctantly agreed, so I took the kitty home and my husband made a midnight run for a cozy bed and collar. We tried to find his owners without luck. The vet told me he was likely a stray, since the tip of his ear was clipped.

My friend suggested the name Spock because of his ear, so Spock it was! We were worried about introducing a 3rd cat, especially with a toddler, but he’s been great. He’s extremely well behaved and they have become best buddies. He follows her everywhere, naps next to her crib and everyday they sit in the window together watching the world go by. Live long and pawsper, Spock!Jennifer
Los Angeles, CA

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