Photo of Fatal Car Crash Looks Like a “Pathway to Heaven”

The city of Gainesville, Georgia, was the site of a terrible accident. There were three victims in the collision, and they were all killed instantly.

A’lannah, Hannah’s 9-month-old daughter, was riding shotgun with her mom and dad, 23-year-old Hannah Simmons and 28-year-old Lauren Buteau, on the way to her well-baby checkup.

Hannah, who was behind the wheel, veered off the road and collided with a truck traveling in the opposite direction.

There were three of them, and tragically, all three of them perished. Hannah was expecting at the time, making the total number of deaths four.

While sitting in the traffic caused by the accident, 19-year-old Anisa Gannon, on her way to work, snapped a heartbreaking photo of the scene.

She failed to see the picture’s most stunning and endearing feature at first. She only used it as an excuse to report to work late.

Anisa was demonstrating the photo to her aunt when she noticed a shaft of light emerging from the carnage. It appeared to soar into the clouds.

A “gateway to heaven,” as she put it. They quickly reached the conclusion that showing the photo to the victims’ loved ones would bring them some measure of solace.

Anisa set out to find their families so she could give them the photo in the hopes that doing so would bring them closure.

The picture did not make the families’ suffering go away, but it did give them comfort in knowing that their loved ones were at peace in Heaven.

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