What goes around comes around, as we have all heard, and this is exactly what this spouse received. He underestimated how brutally Karma would strike.
The woman revealed her husband’s infidelity in a Reddit story that she posted. She then sends him a truly stunning and unexpected letter.
This story may put you in a good mood. This is her letter:

To my beloved husband!
Before you return from your trip, I want to let you know about a small accident I had with the pick-up truck at the moment I was turning into the driveway.
Fortunately, it wasn’t that bad, so do not worry too much because I really didn’t get hurt. I was coming home as usual from Walmart and I accidentally pushed the accelerator instead of the brake.
The garage door is bent, but the pick-up halted when bumped into your car. I know you are a really kind-hearted person and you will forgive me, so I am really sorry.

You know how much I love and care for you, my sweetheart! I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again, I am enclosing a picture for you.
Your loving wife!
PS: Your girlfriend called.
We cannot say how he felt about the vehicle or the last line of the letter, but he may have looked something like the picture below.

What do you think about this? Was it a fair treat? Would you do something similar? Share your thoughts in the comments on Facebook.