Jane Seymore, a 70-year-old actress best known for her roles in “Live and Let Die,” “Dr She recently opened up about her experience with anaphylaxis, which almost killed her, in “Quinn, Medicine Woman,” among countless other movies and television shows.
Host Joe Duffy questioned the actress about her role in “The Meaning of Life,” which airs on Irish Public Television.
Duffy asked, “Was your death just around the corner?
Seymour replied, “Yes, the doctors say I did pass away.
She recalled, “In a movie about Onassis, I played Maria Callas.
“At the time, I was in Madrid, Spain. I called production that Saturday to let them know I was ill. I should visit a physician. “.
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“The medical professional arrived. She would require two weeks to recover, he said. We need her on Monday, they said, not today. As a result, doctors decided to inject me with an antibiotic. “.
They left, and the male nurse showed up to complete the procedure. Right after he shot me, I realized something was wrong. Acute allergic shock struck me. “.
“I recall that my heart beat incredibly quickly for a moment before stopping. Silence. “.
Then, she recalls, “there was peace. It was like, ‘Something’s wrong, something’s wrong.
The most exquisite tranquillity is comparable to that of prolonged meditation.
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“White light was present. That’s really interesting, I thought, whoa. Then I realized that for some reason I was looking down at myself. And all I could do was beg them to let me back to my body, saying, “Anybody, anything. “I desire to bring up my kids. All I could think about was it. “.
No information is provided regarding Ms Dot Seymour’s subsequent resuscitation.
A potentially fatal reaction to food, insect venom, or environmental triggers known as anaphylaxis can strike suddenly, as in Ms. Seymour’s case.
Anaphylaxis can cause certain symptoms.
Hives, scratching, and flushed or pale skin are a few examples of skin reactions.
Low blood pressure (hypotension); narrowed airways and enlargement of the tongue or throat, which can lead to wheezing and breathing difficulties; a rapid but faint pulse;.
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhoea; lightheadedness or dizziness.
Epinephrine is the only medication that can halt and reverse the progression of anaphylaxis.
You should always travel with two epinephrine auto-injectors if you have a history of food or chemical allergies. You need two because one dose might not be sufficient to stop anaphylaxis from progressing, or the device might malfunction or be misused.