The wealthy widow died, and all her money, over $300,000, did not go to her family or friends

Ellen Frey-Wouters died at the age of 88, leaving behind a small fortune.

However, she chose not to leave the money to friends or family but made a gesture that amazed many.

To whom did she actually leave the money? To her two cats: Troy and Tiger.

Perhaps the fact that she didn’t have close family members to inherit the $300,000 played a role, and her husband had passed away in 1989, plus their only child died in infancy.

Dahlia Grizzle, the woman’s caregiver, is now the caretaker of the cats.

She confesses, “The cats were like her children. They deserve it; they are extraordinary cats.”

Tiger, formerly a stray cat, now sleeps in a bed made of fur and silk sheets and eats only fine meat dishes.

This is not the only case of its kind. Leona Helmsley, a billionaire from New York, became legendary for her ill treatment of her employees but also for leaving $12 million to her dog.

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