Everyone has problems in their life, big or small. We deal with them with our understanding and ability. Take the Colombian couple. For example, they have been living inside a sewer for 22 years.
They may not have worldly comforts, yet having each other is pretty much enough for them.
Maria Garcia and her husband Miguel Restrepo met in Medellin, Colombia. They were both drug addicts at the time. The area is infamous for violence and drug trafficking.
They spent their early lives on the street, doping over drugs, hardly reckoning the life slipping out of their palms. During the troubled times, the couple grew fond of each other’s company.
One day Maria and Miguel decided to quit the path of drugs and choose a different journey. However, with no friends or family, the two didn’t know where to start.
But one thing was certain they needed to get off the streets. So, they decided to go down under the sewer.
Ever since then, the happily married couple has made a home inside the tank. They have turned the small place into a cozy home. Like everyone, they enjoy celebrating festivals with lights and trees. Please press play to enjoy this motivating clip and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!3
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