In the movies “Reservoir Dogs” and “Kill Bill,” Quentin Tarantino’s godson Hudson Madsen, who was Michael Madsen’s son, passed away. Michael Madsen is devastated by this.
Although the death of 26-year-old Madsen was caused by a gunshot, his death certificate first misidentified it as a suicide.
The police agency has not yet disclosed the exact date of his passing, but they will do so if the full autopsy is made available.
Michael’s lawyer stated that the star is being taken care of by family while his wife plans the funeral in Hawaii.
In a letter to The New York Times, Madsen said, “I am in astonishment because my son, whom I just spoke with a few days ago, expressed happiness — my last text from him was ‘I love you, dad’.”
No signs of hopelessness that I could see were present. It is sad and painful. I’m simply trying to make sense of everything and understand what occurred, he said further.
The parents are unaware of any issues he might have been experiencing at the time he was considering his future plans.
Michael believes that his son may have developed mental issues as a result of being made fun of by other army personnel.
Madsen enlisted in the Army in April 2016 and served at Fort Carson, Colorado, for one deployment, from August 2018 to January 2019.
The Madsen family sent a statement to Metro on Tuesday saying that they were “saddened and overwhelmed with grief and pain” as a result of Hudson’s passing. “His light and memories will live on in the hearts of those who knew and loved him. We appreciate your consideration and privacy at this trying time.
The revelation has utterly rocked his entire family.